Tag: Help Needed
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One of My Favorite Travel Photographers Needs Help
Mitchell Kanashkevich is one of my favorite travel photographers. This is a quick post about Mitchell, and an appeal to the Sage Adventures community to contribute to his Go Fund Me crowdfunding page—thereby helping acquire a new camper for him and his family (their full-time home).
Succinctly, Mitchell, his wife, and daughter, have traveled South America for the past several years living in their camper van home which Mitchell also uses as his production studio for travel photography and videos (his only source of income). Through a series of mishaps beyond his control, somewhere in the outback of Brazil, the van was destroyed several days after New Year’s Eve, 2023, by a well-meaning but careless mechanic. (Happy New Year.)
The Crushed Kanashkevich Family Camper

Their camper-home is, alas, beyond repair. He was not able to obtain insurance in Brazil, and the village mechanic responsible for the damage is barely able to support his family. That’s why Mitchell needs help. Please consider contributing $5, $10, $15, or more to help the Kanashkevich family buy a new camper, and have a home once again, so that Mitchell can get back to his creative work as quickly as possible.
You can view Mitchell’s YouTube video about the event here: When Your Life Feels Like a Movie.
Or, jump directly to the Go Fund Me page.
What’s the Sage Connection?
While I shoot throughout the U.S.—and take the occasional international trip—I am not a dedicated life-adventure photographer like Mitchell, who has been living and working as a travel photographer, videographer, and photo educator most of his adult life. That requires a lifetime of devotion, daily dedication, and sacrifice. I admire his steadfast unwavering commitment—and the fantastic work that results from it.
Also, having lived through the devastation of Hurricane Ian (see journal article 0016—How One Lousy Hurricane can Change Your Life), my wife and I know how disorienting, daunting, disheartening, and lonely disasters can be—particularly when you’re struggling through the immediate aftermath.
As loyal Adventures fans know, Adventures of a Sage is about self-discovery through the lens of photography, including creating a community for interaction and support. Thus, in the spirit of Adventures of a Sage, I would like to help Mitchell and his family get a new home-on-wheels. And so, I’m asking the Sage Adventures community to contribute (whatever you can) to his Go Fund Me page.
Mitchell and His Work
Mitchell is an award-winning photographer and videographer who also creates online photography courses (which I have viewed). Everything he does is executed to perfection. To quote Mitchell, “I’m all about sharing the beauty of our world and the people in it; and I love to inspire others along the way.”
See Mitchell Kanashkevich’s website and his YouTube page.
I applaud Mitchell’s decision not to attempt to claw back compensation or seek retribution from the mechanic. The wisdom to accept his fate and simply move on is a bitter pill to swallow, but is one that I believe will create positive ‘Kanashkevich Karma’ for him and his family in the near future. Mitchell, I hope the Adventures of a Sage community can contribute to your cause. The world would be a lesser place without your commitment and creativity.
Thanks for Being a Loyal Adventures Fan
As a loyal Sage Adventures fan, please consider:
- Making a donation to Mitchell’s Go Fund Me page.
- Using the icons below to share Adventures of a Sage with anyone who would like to participate in self-discovery through the lens of photography.
- Posting a comment to share with everyone.
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