Article Date: May 18, 2024
Tag: Photo philosophy
Reading Time: 6-7 minutes – 1/2 cup of coffee
Clever Observations
Being a clever Sage Adventures reader, you probably noticed the clever twist from “antidote” to “anecdote” in the headline? This is just one example of why Adventures of a Sage consistently attracts thousands of a handful of readers.
If you are a perfectionist, have an obsessive need for cleanliness, or command your Cheerios to align in snowflake patterns in your bowl every morning, I realize this adept play-on-words may have made you anxious. If so, you’re not alone
Many People Experience Anxiety
31% of the U.S. population experiences anxiety at some point in their lives. Do you experience any of the following:
- The heebie-jeebies?
- The willies?
- Butterflies in your stomach?
- Nervous Nellie-ism?
- Shakes and shivers?
- Jives and jitters?
- Twitchy tail?
- Or just plain “Jamaican me crazy”?
If so, you may be anxious, nervous, or distressed. Read on!
Pets Have Phobias Too
Did you know that even pets can experience anxiety? For example, our doggy experiences separation anxiety whenever She Who is My Wife leaves the house. He perches on the corner of the couch, with a commanding view of the entry, and barks until She comes home—thus proving that if you bark long enough, She will return.
Doggy on Watch

Studying doggy’s technique, I have also tried sitting on the edge of the couch with a commanding view of the entry. I immediately felt better. Doggy was on to something. Then, I discovered that a few discrete woofs and arfs produced excellent results. The Beckster eventually came downstairs to ask me what I was doing. This immediately extinguished any feelings of loneliness. See? It works!
The Anxiety Industry
An August 21st, 2023 article in the Wall Street Journal titled “The Booming Business of American Anxiety,” points out that awareness of stress increased significantly during the pandemic—in addition to increased awareness about mental health and more screening throughout the medical community. The article pointed to a federal survey where 27% of respondents indicated anxiety symptoms—up from 8% in 2019.
More importantly, the authors indicated that “the supply of available and qualified therapists hasn’t kept up with demand,” which has led to clinicians warning that “anyone can call themselves a mental-health coach.”
How dare these charlatans prey on unsuspecting people in need, with claims of self-help: such as Platinum membership in Adventures of a Sage and the comprehensive benefits to which Platinum Members are entitled, including discounts on featured products, such as:
The Sage’s Calming Stuffed Sloth
Provides emotional support. Reduces stress.
Gives you a sense of purpose and responsibility.
Teaches empathy, patience, and compassion.
Offers a warm, furry hug when you need it most.
(Includes a free sample of soothing sloth balm.)

Calming Stuffed Sloth Image Generated by Gab AI
The Sage’s ‘Main Squeeze’ Anti-Stress Gnome
Reduces stress & anxiety. Improves hand and finger strength.
Helps with anger management. Provides a sense of control.
Encourages relaxation. Can be used discreetly in a variety of settings.
(Comes with his own squeeze ball.)

‘Main Squeeze’ Anti-Stress Gnome image generated by Gab AI
The Sage’s Coloring Book for Stressed Adults
(Features scenes of our favorite Himalayan meditation sites.)
Reduces stress. Promotes relaxation and mindfulness.
Improves coordination and motor skills.
Prank your friends with unexpected color choices!
Channel your inner child. Screen-free activity!

Coloring Book image generated by Gab AI
The Sage’s Pathway to Peace Purification Gummies
Designed to cleanse, detox, flush, drain, and purify with hyper-oxygenated
heavenly flavors, including Laid-Back Lavender and Easygoing Eucalyptus.
Achieve inner peace, one gummy at a time. Improve skin health and appearance.
Discover symbiotic combinations, such as gummy-themed meditation sessions.
Unique conversation starter at wellness gatherings!

Pathway to Peace Gummies generated by Gab AI
And one of our most popular items, ‘The Sage’s Vibrating Wellness Therapeutic Neck Collar.’ Hang this around your neck to channel several minutes of calm, soothing vibes. This product has been clinically proven to help elasticize, tone, and elongate your medulla oblongata. (The $399 upgrade includes stereo speakers providing nuanced intonational chants from, well … your favorite Sage.) Batteries not included.
The Sage’s Vibrating Wellness Therapeutic Neck Collar
Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness while improving circulation.
Offers non-invasive alternative to traditional pain relief methods.
Can be used in combination with other therapies, such as Peaceful Purification Gummies.
Improves posture and neck alignment for on-the-go portable relief.

Vibrating Neck Collar image generated by Gab AI
Professional Resources
You got a doubtful, queasy feeling? I know the pros won’t let you down. (That’s a reference to Eagles lyrics, for those of you who missed it. Name the tune for extra points.)
Samir Chopra (philosophical counselor and professor emeritus of Philosophy at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York) recently published a book titled Anxiety, A Philosophical Guide. Chopra argues that “Anxiety is not always a pathology to be eradicated” but is often just a human condition. He writes,
“To be anxious is to be human, and to be human is to be anxious.”
I just saved you $23.95. That should make you feel better already.
The Sage’s Simple Anxiety Test
Although professionals maintain that years of training are needed to identify people in crisis and direct them to appropriate treatment, The Sage, a Professional Legend, does have a rather simple and significantly less expensive self-administered test:
If you’re anxious and you know it, clap your hands.
If you found yourself irresistibly clapping, well then, applause! You’re on your way to recovery!
Photography as the Antidote to Anxiety
In a world that seems to be getting more and more stressful, photography offers many anxiety outlets. I’m not talking about the latest Instagram influencers peddling their “anxiety-busting” photography courses. Instead, I’m referring to the simple act of capturing moments, memories, and the beauty of the world around you.
Whether it’s a breathtaking landscape, a candid moment with a loved one, or even just a quirky snapshot of everyday life, photography has the power to transport us to a calmer, happier place. It’s a way to focus your mind on something positive and creative, rather than dwelling on the stressors of daily life.
Here are a few ideas to get you started (all photo examples copyright BUHL PHOTO):
1. Nature Walks: Photography can get you out of the house and into the great outdoors, allowing you to explore the beauty of nature and find solace in its calming presence. Whether it’s a stroll through a nearby park or a hike in the mountains, nature photography provides a therapeutic escape.
Appalachian Approach—Amicalola Falls State Park

2. Street Photography: This genre of photography encourages you to slow down, observe, and document the world around you to capture candid moments and the unique personalities of the people you encounter. It can be a powerful way to break out of your comfort zone, engage with your surroundings, and find a renewed sense of curiosity and wonder.
Oaxaca, Mexico
Parents help their daughters prepare for a performance in the main square.

3. Macro Photography: Are you more intrigued by small things? Delving into the intricate details of objects can also be a soothing experience. Macro photography allows you to explore the hidden beauty of everyday objects, from the delicate structure of a flower to the intricate patterns on a butterfly’s wing. This focus on the small details can help to ground you in the present moment and provide a sense of tranquility.
Cactus Blades, San Diego, CA

4. Abstract Photography: For those who enjoy a more creative and experimental approach, abstract photography can be a fantastic outlet for self-expression and stress relief. This genre encourages you to explore the world in new and unconventional ways, playing with light, color, and composition to create unique, thought-provoking images.
Abstract Taken at a Museum in Upstate NY

5. Time-Lapse Photography: Time-lapse photography, which requires patience, creativity, and some degree of technical skills, allows you to capture the passage of time in a single image, whether it’s the movement of clouds across the sky or the ebb and flow of a bustling city street.
Ocean Drive, Miami
Mavic 2 drone time-lapse

6. Self-Portraiture: Possibly the best way to deal with anxiety is to confront it head-on. Self-portraiture can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-expression, allowing you to explore your emotions and inner thoughts through the medium of photography. Below is the ultimate self-reflection portrait.
The Sage’s Floating Lotus Self-Portrait
(How does he do that?)

7. Photo Editing: If you really want to get away from it all and leave your troubles behind—or if you want to swap your frustrations for a completely new set—try photo editing. The technical and creative process of editing your photographs using post-production software such as Lightroom or Capture One—where you can adjust exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, white balance, vibrance, tint, saturation, and more—can be an engaging and absorbing way to channel your energy and focus your mind. Editing your photographs can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, as you transform raw images into polished works of art.
While this humorous piece aims to find levity in everyday anxiety, it is not intended to diminish or trivialize the experiences of those living with clinical anxiety disorders. Should you have a clinical anxiety disorder, or feelings of anger directed toward the author, stop reading this article immediately and contact the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (Or, purchase one of the products above.)
In summary, just as Adventures of a Sage can provide you with anecdotes to anxiety, photography also offers a wide range of creative and therapeutic possibilities for those seeking an antidote to anxiety. By engaging with the world around you, exploring your own emotions, and challenging yourself to grow as an artist, you can find solace, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose through the lens of your camera.
Congratulations! You have discovered a way to replace anxiety with:
- Serenity.
- Tranquility.
- Contentment & relaxation.
- Confidence & equilibrium.
- Inner peace (not in-ear peas).
Or, as we say here at Adventures of a Sage: you are on your way to achieve “self-awareness through the lens of photography.” Who knows, you might just find the perfect shot to make you relax and smile!
Questions and More Self-Discovery
Do you grab your camera to find peace and tranquility? Do you enter another zone when shooting? Has photography helped you find better insights about yourself?
Share your wisdom and vision by posting your thoughts on this journal article. Better yet, write the next Sage Adventures article and post your images on a renowned, world-class photography website.
Thanks for Being a Loyal Adventures Fan
A sincere thanks to our handful of loyal subscribers for your continued support. As a loyal Adventures fan, please consider:
- Using the icons below to share Adventures of a Sage with anyone who would like to participate in self-discovery through the lens of photography.
- Posting a comment to share with everyone.
Serenely and Soothingly yours,
The Sage
This blog made me very anxious.
Archie was thrilled to see that Murphy’s couch photo was not one of a potato, but rather an engaged watchman at the helm.
Greetings and love to you, She and He.
Thanks! Appreciate your diving into the many ways photography can positively impact our mood and life! I’ll share with my photo students.