- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. This lone fisherman worked in solitude as the quiet of the evening mist closed around him. Image taken while cruising the San Blas in our sailboat 2001.
- Elaborate lighting systems illuminate South Beach's Ocean Drive at night. This is one of a series of drone shots which required three separate trips to South Beach. The shots were technically difficult because of pedestrians, vehicles, and stiff breezes off of the Atlantic Ocean. This shot is of the McAlpin and Ocean Plaza Hotels.
- People gather in the Plaza de la Danza (literally, "dance square") at dusk, adjacent to the Basilica of Our Lady of Solitude in Oaxaca, Mexico. Families still gather socially in plazas and squares throughout Mexico. This plaza was very close to our hotel, so we walked past it almost every evening. I thought it was a quintessential Mexican scene: a plaza with families and friends adjacent to the church and lights twinkling on the distant mountain as twilight fades to night. Bekki and I traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico, February of 2020 with my sister and brother-in-law who organize cultural trips to Central America and Mexico.