- Close up of a basket of red and green peppers for sale at the Benito Juarez market in Oaxaca, Mexico. This 3-foot wide basket of peppers completely covered the spectrum from green, yellow, orange, and bright red. Bekki and I traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico, February of 2020 with my sister and brother-in-law who organize cultural trips to Central America and Mexico. While the Benito Juarez Market isn't the only market in Oaxaca, it's a large and vibrant one with over 360 vendors selling ... everything.
- During an early morning photo walkabout in Huatulco, Mexico, I found a red church in full sun, with a shadow of the cross in the front of the church in close juxtaposition to the cross shaped window. For Christian cross lovers (as opposed to Christopher Cross lovers). Image taken while cruising Mexico in our sailboat 2000.
- While exploring Chicicastenango someone in the village informed us of a shaman couple that were performing a Mayan ceremony up on the hill. Following a nearby trail, we found this husband and wife, and they allowed me to photograph them. When I motioned to the husband to 'smile,' he lit up. Husband and wife are a diptych. Transparency taken while we were cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. The only way to truly experience the islands is by sailboat, and we sailed them for a month. They sell fruit, vegetables, and handmade mola textiles to the cruisers. Women wear mola blouses with patterned skirts, red and yellow head scarfs, arm and leg beads, long black lines down the nose, and often a gold nose ring. This woman hopped on deck to sell her mola inventory. Taken while we were cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.
- Elaborate lighting systems illuminate South Beach's Ocean Drive at night. This is one of a series of drone shots which required three separate trips to South Beach. The shots were technically difficult because of pedestrians, vehicles, and stiff breezes off of the Atlantic Ocean. This shot is of the Colony and Boulevard Hotels.
- Elaborate lighting systems illuminate South Beach's Ocean Drive at night. This is one of a series of drone shots which required three separate trips to South Beach. The shots were technically difficult because of pedestrians, vehicles, and stiff breezes off of the Atlantic Ocean. This shot is of the Leslie Hotel.
- Red bull alebrijes carving in the Isaias Jimenez’s studio located in the small town of Arrazola, about 4-miles southwest of Oaxaca. Isaias continues the Oaxacan alebrijes style created by his father Manuel Jiménez Ramírez (who has his own Wikipedia page). Alebrijes are a style of brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of imaginary and mythical creatures. Bekki and I traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico, February of 2020 with my sister and brother-in-law who organize cultural trips to Central America and Mexico.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. Women wear mola blouses with patterned skirts, red and yellow head scarfs, arm and leg beads, long black lines down the nose, and often a gold nose ring. Taken while we were cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. Women wear mola blouses with patterned skirts, red and yellow head scarfs, arm and leg beads, long black lines down the nose, and often a gold nose ring. Taken while we were cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.