- Bahia Honda, Panama, became one of the most memorable anchorages of our Pacific cruise. The howler monkeys on shore sounded like gorillas. No photos of the gorillas, but these inquisitive boys paddled up for a look. Bekki discovered from the boys that a small store was located at a nearby village—where she bought a cake mix for my 48th birthday. Transparency taken with a Leicaflex while cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. The only way to truly experience the islands is by sailboat, and we sailed them for a month. They sell fruit, vegetables, and handmade mola textiles to the cruisers. Women wear mola blouses with patterned skirts, red and yellow head scarfs, arm and leg beads, long black lines down the nose, and often a gold nose ring. Taken while we were cruising Central America in our sailboat 2000-2001.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. This lone fisherman worked in solitude as the quiet of the evening mist closed around him. Image taken while cruising the San Blas in our sailboat 2001.
- The San Blas Archipelago, off the northeastern coast of Panama, is home to the Kuna Yala—an indigenous people that inhabit its 365 coastal islands. Brother and sister looked up and smiled from their dugout canoe as their father delivered fruits on the stern of our sailboat. Image made while we were cruising the San Blas in our sailboat 2001.